Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform and a Constitutional Crisis

Here is a letter to Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, up for reelection in 2012, on March 20, 2010. He is the Senator that engineered one of the special deals for his State, but only for part of his State. Dubbed "Gator-aid" he has reduced cuts to Medicare Advantage only for a few counties in the State that vote Democratic. The rest of the State, that votes Republican, won't be eligible for reduced cuts to Medicare Advantage. Apparently he is unfamiliar with the 14the amendment, providing equal protection of the laws.

"Dear Senator Nelson:
I am thoroughly disappointed in the process that this Congress is using to force a health care bill onto the American people who do not want this change. The bribes, blackmail, and extortion are abhorrent. The unequal ‘protection’ of this law is unconstitutional that citizens of some States or parts of States are treated differently under this proposed law than of other States. For example, my retired father has Medicare Advantage but by living in Central Florida rather than South Florida, by your doing, he won't get to keep his plan. This is so un-American it's appalling to know that you, of all people, are behind it.

Please take some time to reflect on what you and your colleagues are doing and why you're doing it. I have always thought of you, Senator Nelson, to be a reasonable person. But I think reason has escaped the Democratic leadership in both houses of Congress and the members following that leadership, too.

Please do not move forward with this bad bill which lacks bipartisan support nor even support of enough Democrats in the House to agree with the Senate's version. Furthermore 37 States are planning to sue to block this awful bill because Congress is overreaching its Constitutional authority, because the process is not Constitutional, and because it will raise $1 trillion in new taxes that the People cannot afford. The lack of enough support and the lawsuits should be a clear sign to you that our Union is on the brink of a Constitutional crisis because of this bill. Please ask yourself whether the Union is more important than Obama's health care bill. Hopefully, the Union is more important.

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